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Hospital care is changing both rapidly and radically.

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Due to innovations in care delivery and organisational structures, future hospitals are likely to be very different from today's hospitals.The world is changing and so are hospitals. In response to significant external forces, innovations are emerging in both the way healthcare is delivered and the way hospitals are structured. With these innovations, hospitals can better position themselves to survive - and even excel - in more challenging conditions.

Food Security Update

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Many countries are facing growing levels of food insecurity, reversing years of development gains, and threatening the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Even before COVID-19 reduced incomes and disrupted supply chains, chronic and acute hunger were on the rise due to various factors, including conflict, socio-economic conditions, natural hazards, climate change and pests. The impact of the war in Ukraine adds risk to global food security, with food prices likely to remain high for the foreseeable future. This brief looks at rising food insecurity and World Bank responses to date.